National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday, September 27! Will you celebrate by registering to vote? If you're already registered, you can help a friend, family member, or coworker register.
Election 2016 is fast approaching, and we want to make sure union members and families are ready. So much is at stake in this election - including your fundamental rights as a union member.
Election laws, polling locations, and deadlines can change. So National Voter Registration Day is a great opportunity to make sure you're all set to vote. Even if you've voted previously with no trouble, it's important to verify your information to make sure it remains up-to-date. Here's a quick checklist to help:
- Make sure you're registered. If you've recently moved, make sure you update your information. Some states offer same-day voter registration, but it's always better if you can take care of these details before you're in the voting booth.
- Find your polling place. It's critical to find out where you'll vote before election day, and check to make sure it didn't change from where you voted in the primary. Make sure you know the hours of your polling place, too.
- Vote early, absentee, or by mail, depending on where you'll be on Election Day. Skip the lines on voting day and avoid any hassles by voting early, absentee or by mail. Not all states offer these options, so find out if your state does here.
- Check voter ID laws in your state. According to the ACLU, 17 states will have new voter ID laws in effect this November. These types of laws include strict identification requirements, changes in early voting procedures, and more. Be prepared with proper identification if your state requires it.
- Know your rights. You are entitled to assistance in the voting booth if you need it. Ask the volunteers at your polling place for help.
Remember: your vote is your voice, so let's make sure the voices of working people are heard on Election Day: Tuesday, November 8.
United Invincible,
Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO