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  • We Need Your Voice


    Good Jobs | Communications Workers of America

    Something is broken in Congress, and it’s up to us to fix it, Darrel.

    The filibuster used to be an important tool that gave the minority a real voice in the Senate. Not anymore.

    For too long now, this tactic has been misused and abused. Congress has stopped legislating effectively, with Senators using ridiculous dodge tactics to block real progress.

    We have a chance to restore the filibuster to its original purpose, but we need your help to do it. Pick up the phone right now and urge your Senator to support Senate Rules Reform. Call 1-888-966-9836 or text RULESREFORM to 69866.

    Before the start of the last legislative session, Republicans made a “gentlemen’s agreement” – they promised to cut down on the number of times that they blocked debate on bills.

    But that promise was quickly broken, and over the past two years more motions were made to prevent bills from being openly debated than during any other Congressional session in history.

    And so bills like the DREAM Act, the Employee Free Choice Act, and the Bring Jobs Home Act were all railroaded – blocked from both debate and vote.

    Right now, all it takes is a handful of Senators to stop the rest from making progress. With reform, the filibuster can once again be a tool of empowerment, rather than just a cheap scare tactic. But we’ve got stand up and fight for that reform.

    Before the next Congress is gaveled into session, get on phone and call your Senators to say you support Senate Rules Reform, and that they should, too:

    It's easy and only takes a few minutes. Call 1-888-966-9836 or text RULESREFORM to 69866. When your call is answered, say "I am calling to ask the Senator to support Senate rules reform, including returning to a talking filibuster."

    That's all it takes to help protect our democracy.

    In Unity,

    Beth Allen

    Beth Allen
    Online Communications Director

    P.S. – To learn more about the Fix the Senate Now coalition, visit the campaign website at FixTheSenateNow.org.

    Online Mobilization Coordinator




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